Good Citizen's Club


Good Citizen's Club 〰️

Impatience is a virtue

Turns out we’re impatient people. At least when it comes to seeing positive impact anyways.

Before Society proper (literally, before we had a brand, a website, quite honestly anything), we launched Society’s Good Citizen’s Club: a volunteer group dedicated to coming up with creative ideas that help solve social problems.

Think of it like the pro-bono work a lot of other agencies do, but in a more out-and-out activist way.

At thinking phase.

At research phase.

The Good Citizens of GCC come from all kinds of creative backgrounds – and don’t necessarily work for Society. That’s important. Why? Because diverse experience makes for more diverse ideas that makes for more wide-reaching and diverse impact.

You get it.

Interested in
joining GCC?

Fancy that, we’ve got some spots we’d love to fill. If you want in, just pop us your details and we’ll be in touch to find out what gets you up and out of bed in the morning.